Monday, March 9, 2015

Okay So Far

Spent the month of December writing, rewriting, editing, negotiating, arguing, discussing, rewriting again until the whole vocabulary of promotional material for The Peryton was satisfactory both to me and to my agent, Italia Gandolfo. There is a tag line, a log line, a short synopsis, a longer synopsis, the cast of characters,  the four manuscripts themselves, the epilogue - an entire panoply, complete with horses, snakes, monster bugs, and midgets. (All right, no midgets. Saving them for Samson.)

A collection of that material was then submitted, in mid-January, to a few publishers whose names made me blink: Holt, MacMillan, Hachette, Penguin and Grove Atlantic.

Well, okay then.
Even before ThePeryton is accepted by a publisher, work must go on. Next will be Warrior, the autobiography of Ajax, which is making itself into the verbal equivalent of a magic box: it can only be told, it seems, in two different voices, that of the young, naive, idealistic Ajax in the present tense, accented with past-tense commentary from the disillusioned, cynical old suicide.
If these Egyptian ladies can do it, so can I

After that, The Samson Midrash is waiting, and not patiently. Yes Samson, with the lion and the bees and the jawbone of the ass. And Delilah.

Watch this space. Or, better yet, check the list on the right side of this blog for progress on all three projects.

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