If this sounds like a lot more work than necessary, believe me, it's not really.
Dragging the trailer out of its nest of grass and weeds worked okay. But at the trailer inspection place, I learned that requirements had been stiffened. It wasn't just lights they cared about this year. It was also the electric brakes and emergency brake lock - neither of which were even hooked up and didn't work when they were.
Lucky for me, the nearest truck place had the parts and got it done - not the battery for the emergency lock, but the inspector knew I would get one asap, so he passed the trailer as it was. Gathered the documents, found a replacement battery on only the third try (Tractor Supply, no; Auto Zone, no; D & D Farm and Ranch Supply, yes).
Took the trailer home, parked it (a chore, since the parking area was never designed for whales), then figured, oh, WTF. Took the truck for inspection, it passed, took all the papers to the registry where - a prize for my persistence - the clerk said, "Why isn't your trailer licensed as a farm vehicle? It would save you a lot of money. Do you use it for anything except farm work? No? Well then." So I filled out a simple form, checked the right box, and saved $70.
In Virginia, this would have taken days to accomplish. Here in Texas? less than four hours. Didn't even miss Judge Judy.
Oh, and for an hour before this, John Deere and I communed with the rain-happy weeds (lawn) all around the house. Gotta keep the snakes down. More about this wonderful machine some other time.
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